
Five Tips to Increase Your Facebook Likes Organically

Increase Your Facebook Likes

Everyone is on Facebook today, and I am sure you too! The common question of why someone else posts get too much attention but not yours has come across your mind! If not, you are either a saint or your priorities differ.

What if the thought is troubling you, and you are desperate to increase your Facebook reach? Are you investing a lot of effort but not getting that many likes? Do you know these are signs of a stagnant Facebook page or id?

Despite putting in effort, time, and money, you are still not getting the results, then what could be the reason? You need to increase your Facebook likes to grow as an influencer or even as a user.

Let’s first decode the importance of social media platforms like Facebook. Nowadays, social media platforms and a brand’s growth are directly proportional. The digital era focuses on the number of likes a post receives. A higher number of followers and likes is what makes one a star.

Your social media posts make an impression on others, and they respond by either liking or swiping up. People count likes as positive feedback for your post. Competition is the only permanent thing on everyone’s mind today. While some have easy access to resources, others struggle for the same. 

Then the question lies, is it impossible? The answer is definitely no, but yes, it demands a few methods and practices. Use various strategies to increase like. Increasing likes organically or without using paid tactics seems tough. But it isn’t. Don’t be surprised! Know how? 

Top 5 tricks to increase your Facebook likes

1. Say yes to Click baiting

Click baiting might sound like an oh-no, but it is proving to be one of the most helpful tactics to increase likes and views. The thumbnail and the caption are the ones that attract attention in the first place. People look at the headlines or thumbnails and decide if this post is worth watching.

If your post is a video, then focusing on attractive & relevant thumbnails is important. If it’s a picture, then the caption & headlines are the ones that will make it or break it. The captions of your post are keywords that you must optimize to gain more attention and likes.

Yesterday I clicked one where the owner mentioned an animal that never eats. Later I learned it was a meme, connecting me to that page. After checking it, I realized it was eight years old with excellent unique content but was unnoticeable. In fact, still, the like percentage was low. Hope their strategy works and they get popular soon!

2. Create quality content

To increase the likes of your Facebook posts, appealing visuals or high-quality content are important. We all have encountered popular pages some time back, but no one pays heed to them now due to their repetitive content. Can you name a few? You can’t just post anything; both relevance and quality matter.

For example, if the hot topic is a Robbery group, posting about e-commerce apps won’t work! Know your audience, and create posts that stand out in their overloaded feeds. Something that makes everyone curious.

Post content that is both interesting and resonates with the audience. Your posts must be able to match their interest. Be very sure about your language selection on social media.

Some points to consider:

  • Include hot topics in your posts
  • Host Q&As weekly
  • Ask for feedback from the audience
  • Take help from insights

Apart from posting eye-catching content, it is also important to be consistent. 

3. Go live

Going live is much better; it fosters a sense of community and belongingness. People connect over similarities. Be it likes or dislikes, going through the same issues, or something else. When individuals connect deeply with those who have similar experiences, they develop a sense of understanding.

Being real and authentic will help you build strong connections. In time, these connections will increase the engagement percentage. Facebook’s algorithm depends upon interactions, and that enhances your post automatically.

Going live sends a notification to your followers and others on Facebook. As per your settings, anyone on Facebook will be able to see you. It is best to act genuine and connect with everyone who comes across your live video.

4. Use hashtags

Although hashtags are frequently associated with Instagram and similar apps, they can also gain more Facebook likes. Hashtags function similarly on Facebook as on other social networks. To use them effectively, you must find hashtags related to your post and choose the ones with the most follower or use count.

You don’t necessarily have to use relevant hashtags; those not connected to your niche will also attract new audiences. Apart from the basic hashtags (#), you can also tag big brands and other influencers.

Tagging famous pages in your post will make your content visible to their followers. It will help you attract a new audience and increase the probability of getting more post likes.

5. Collaborate with influencers for brands

Collaboration is about equally beneficial partnerships. Remember, most collaboration comprises barter. Unpaid collaborations are to attract more audiences and increase popularity. They can include shoutouts, digital posters, or videos that promote your posts. Connect with brands and influencers that have higher credibility to have.

A big influencer has large followers who often believe him, as he seems authentic. Collaborate with influencers in your niche because the target audience will be the same. You will most likely benefit from it and gain more likes.

However, it is necessary to be authentic on your page, so brands and influencers can put their faith in and would want to work with you. Remember to collaborate for benefits, whether that involves monetary benefits or not! The ultimate goal is to have more likes by the end. Try to achieve it at its best!

#. A bonus point:

Okay, you’re following all this but still need help. Don’t worry; these additional tips will be the icing on the cake.

  • Engage with your audience and take their feedback seriously; it is an insight into what you’re doing right or wrong.
  • You can host contests or giveaways to lure the audience in. It does seem like bribery but think of this as the barter system. Where in exchange for liking your posts, they get gifts.
  • Ask people to follow, like, or subscribe to your page. Continuously remind them to like, share, and comment. These activities will increase the engagement rate and trigger the algorithm, which means more reach and visibility for your post. Interact and engage well with your audience.
  • Invite your friends to like your page or post. Share your posts on every possible social media platform and increase your follower count and likes.
  • Know your target audience. Select a niche or a field you want to explore and focus on the audience that likes this field.

You can also go for paid Facebook likes. Confused! There are reliable sites like FBPostLikes from where you can buy Facebook likes. The best part is they render their services through real accounts that remain active on this platform regularly.

Remember when you saw a post lately in your feed when your friend commented on it? The same will happen when you hire their services, as the accounts are real, and their involvement will add real-time engagement. They offer several plans, and you are free to choose one and go for it.

It doesn’t matter if you want less or more likes, as they have set plans for all these. Secrecy is the mandatory thing that they maintain. They never ask you for your id or password to help you to increase the number of likes. Just share the post links, and you will fail to count the growing numbers.

Talking about the payment gateway- they are too flexible with it! You can pay via all available online payment methods, including regularly using UPI. The presence of a credit card or PayPal is nowhere mandatory!


Consistency, quality, and authenticity are important to increase Facebook post likes. We believe that smart work is the key to success. However, giving the audience a reason to click the like button is in your hands. We hope the above-mentioned techniques will help you grow and get you the desired reach.

You have to build an audience for the content you produce & establish a connection with them based on the posts they like. The number of likes on a post indicates how impressive it was. Consider the number of likes or comments as feedback, then make the appropriate changes. 

Apart from these methods, try experimenting with them, mixing old and new strategies, and notice the difference. Try to add something different with every passing day. You can also start a series of posts with links to each other. To reach the conclusion, people will start connecting to your page or your posts.

What more do you need? Stop procrastinating and Get to work!

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