What Is The Essence Of Streams On Communication Platforms Like Livebeam?

Your favorite social media platform now either as a form of streaming feature or is working on one. Livebeam had a streaming feature way earlier, and it doesn’t look to stop anytime soon.
However, these features beg the question, “Ain’t I here to have a chat, what’s the streaming feature for?” Well, this article has all the answers.
We will be explaining the essence of streaming features not on just Livebeam, but all the communication platforms out there.
We Will Be Discussing These 5 Reasons Why Streaming is Essential In Communication Platforms:
1. Video Content is King
Most of the things that happen online involve content creation. Livebeam boasts of brilliant creators who provide the streams for your viewing pleasure. Content creation has been popular for a long time, but it really took a boost during the 2020 pandemic.
Among all the forms of content that can be created, visual content always has the highest turnover in all fields. It is the king of content. This shoulders a great reason why every social media platform will want to have in on the action.
Top creators will want to create more content because there’s an opportunity for it, and consumers will want to keep getting such expressive content.
This reason also brings marketers to such communication platforms. Business owners and affiliates will have an avenue to promote their products/services to a large audience and they keep looking out for the platforms that allow this. Every platform will always look to add features to increase its usage and users.
2. It Increases the Bond With Your Friends
Firstly ask yourself, why do you chat? Think about that friend you talk to almost every day and ask yourself why you do it. As humans, we crave friendships and connections. They keep us going and lighten up our mood.
However, as much as online communication tries, physical communication still has huge relevance. Why is that? It’s because there is a feeling of increased closeness and emotion you get from seeing someone daily. Being a part of their day-to-day activities and sharing in their happy moments, it’s better witnessed than being told.
Streaming and visual content help to bring both worlds together. You can chat all day, and then get to see some visuals from the person’s day
The Livebeam profile page is also a great place to check when looking for new friends, you can check their images and see the type of life they live. Once you start having conversations you are also privileged to view the private pictures in their profile, this gives some perspective to the increase in the bond when visuals are introduced.
3. For Entertainment Purposes
This is one area where Livebeam takes a leading role. With the aim to reduce boredom and loneliness, the streaming feature on Livebeam is a worthwhile entertainment sector. You can go there and watch several streams by creators.
This is the growth in which communication platforms like Livebeam have taken over the years. These platforms now have the ability to provide both communication and entertainment for their users.
This is a very much welcomed approach as it’s really not every time that you have someone to chat with, and of course, they don’t want you to log out once you have cleared your chats.
So look at it like a conference in a hotel. You are there to have connections and make friends and associates, but there are also sections like the bar and the beach where you just go to cool off and enjoy the view and extras. The streaming feature is the beach on Livebeam.
Not to forget that this streaming feature also has communication purposes. Just like the streaming feature on Livebeam, most platforms give you the chance to comment and chat during the streams. With this, you can make new friends on common ground.
4. Seeing is Believing
The essence of the statement “seeing is believing” is embedded in the primary utility of visual content. On Livebeam, the goal is not just to initiate conversations, but to initiate genuine ones.
To have genuine conversations, there has to be a level of familiarity and trust, and that’s what visuals such as pictures, streams, and videos offer.
Streams show, firsthand, the person you are creating communication within their own habitat. You feel as though you are in the same room with them and you can see that they are real.
The Concept of Seeing is BelievingTies into Everything Discussed so Far. It’s Essential to:
Humans like to confirm things before they become invested in them. So be it a friendship or just acquaintanceship, it’s always a plus for them to be able to see for themselves that this is the real deal.
5. The More the Merrier
This final point is a fair fact that doesn’t really make a difference but is quite true. The truth is that communication platforms know their primary assignment.
Livebeam doesn’t joke around with connecting diverse individuals from all over the globe. All similar platforms have upheld themselves to the standard of messaging that makes their customers trust them.
All these different reasons point to one more valid reason for adding the extra feature of streaming, and it simply is, why not?!
As an owner or manager in such a company, when you sit at the big boy’s table to talk about how great your product is doing and how you have hacked the communication features, the question is always what next? And with such questions come detailed answers that lead to features such as this.
In Conclusion
Streaming features like the ones on Livebeam and other extra features you may find in your communication platforms are here to stay.
You may or may not use them but they have their use cases and reasons for being there. And who knows, one day, they just might save you from boredom.